We follow the following policies to ensure your children gets the best learning environment at WGS.
- Western Grammar (WG) aims to provide education for children in a supportive and educational environment. The School will teach the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) curriculum and Islamic Studies subject to the enrolment and needs of the students. All parents and students are expected to support the ethos of the school. First preference of admission will be given to those students who have siblings attending the school subject to the fulfilment of other criteria determined by the school from time to time. Once enrolled, students are expected to support the school’s ethos and comply with the school rules to maintain their enrolment.
- To provide an efficient process of enrolment that satisfies the needs of both students and the school.
- Kindergarten students enrolling at our school will be required to provide proof of age (indicating that they will turn 5 years of age on or before the 31 July of the year they commence school) and an immunisation certificate. Copies of the birth certificate and the immunisation certificate will be kept in the student’s folder.
- Parents and Caregivers need to complete the Western Grammar Enrolment Form and return this to the office as soon as possible.
- The entry test and interviews will be conducted with prospective Kindergarten students and with their parents if necessary before the commencement of the Kindergarten school year.
- Newly enrolled Kindergarten students will also give a short oral literacy and numeracy test before the commencement of their school year.
- The test is to ascertain the literacy and numeracy skills of the student so that school can organise a support programme beforehand. We aim to have this support programme ready when the Kindergarten student enters his/her school year.
- Students enrolling from another school need to provide Western Grammar with a birth certificate, an immunisation record and a report or portfolio from their previous school.
- An interview with the student (applying for other than kindergarten) and parents will be organised as soon as the family return the prescribed Enrolment Form of Western Grammar. Students will be tested to ascertain their basic literacy and numeracy skills to determine whether the student needs to join the support group in the class or not.
- A student will be accepted at Western Grammar subject to the availability of place for the student, whether the school is able to accommodate the student’s educational needs, whether there are siblings of the student already at the school and subject to the other criteria. Continuing enrolment is subject to the student’s adherence to school rules and payment of school fees (see Attendance, Uniform, Discipline/Behaviour, Pastoral Care, Fee and other relevant policies).
- Once the necessary application and enrolment procedure is completed the parents/caregivers will be advised in writing of the outcome of their application. At the stage of offering a place some additional information about the approved student will be requested. Upon accepting the admission offer and payment of the fees, students enrolment process is finalised his/her registration as a school student will be confirmed.
- Until and unless the school fee is paid, and offer is accepted the registration of the student is not confirmed. If a parent does not respond by the due date, the offer may expire, and the place offered to next student on the waiting list. However, the names of the prospective students (whose parents fail to respond within the specified time) may be placed on the waiting list.
- The confidential and personal details provided by the students or their parents will be entered in the school data base. The hard copy will be kept within the student’s folder in the securely locked filing cabinet.
- This policy is subject to review at any time (as per school’s requirement) or will be reviewed as part of the school’s three-year review cycle.
The school is required to monitor student attendance very carefully. When students do not arrive at school, it is the school’s responsibility to enquire as to the child’s safety.
The Attendance Roll:
- The Attendance Roll is a legal document.
- It must be completed daily and it must be checked that all attendances are registered accurately.
- It can be requested for use as evidence in the following cases at court:
- Divorce/Custody.
- The hard copy attendance roll (if used) should never leave the school premises.
- The hard copy attendance roll (if used) is the only item the teacher should take from the classroom in the event of fire.
- The hard copy attendance roll (if used) is stored in one place and is accessible.
- The total number of students present each day is tallied.
- Students who are absent are noted.
- Teachers are held responsible for information entered in the roll.
General Instructions:
- The Attendance Roll is a record of the school and shall be kept in the school.
- The roll shall always commence on the 1st day of the term 1 (January) of each year and terminate on the last day of the term 4 (December) of the year.
- The names of all children attending the school shall be entered in the order of their enrolment and their ID number will be included.
- The roll should be marked at the start of each day and only those children who are present at roll-call shall be marked as present.
- The date and reason of absence will be noted each day for students absent.
- Absentee Notes will be kept in the appropriate student’s file and it will be marked as received.
Withdrawal by adult during school time (early leave):
- No child will be released from the classroom without a Late Note or Early Leave note from the office.
If an adult, other than the mum or dad, collects a child, the office admin will first confirm the collection with the student’s parents or guardian via telephone. The office admin will also take a copy of the adult’s license and keep it in the student’s file.
Late Arrival at School:
Students who arrive at school after roll-call are late and need to report to the office. Parents/Guardians need to complete a Late Arrival Note at the office. The student will be marked as arriving late to school.
- Parents/Guardians need to inform the school of their child’s absence and the reason via telephone on the day of absence. Parents and students must be encouraged to submit a Leave Application form before the leave or on the day they return to school.
- If a student is going overseas during school days, the parents/guardian must fill out a Principal’s Leave form noting the duration of their child’s absence from school and must have it approved by the principal and/or delegates.
- All letters from parents should be sent to the office to be filed into the appropriate student’s file.
- The office admin are to ensure that unexplained absences are followed up by sending an Absentee Notice after 3 days.
- Parents/Caregivers will be telephoned by the Deputy Principal regarding poor attendance at school.
WGS will transfer unsatisfactory attendance information to the student files.
Student Transfer /Withdrawal:
If a student leaves Western Grammar School, they are required to complete a withdrawal/transfer form. (Copy stored in student file)
If student has left without notification, we will take the following steps:
- Contact the parents by phone or email.
- Write a letter asking them to complete a transfer form and post to our office.
- If no reply is received, the school will notify the Department of Education to advise of the student’s departure.
Register of Daily Attendance:
- The daily attendance registers are used by all class teachers from Kindergarten to Year 12. The daily attendance registers are important legal documents. Teachers must follow instructions carefully and complete details accurately.
- The daily attendance registers are used to record absence and late arrival.
- Every day, after the rolls are marked the Admin Office will call the parents/guardians of absent students to enquire about the safety and wellbeing of the student and to find out the reasons for the absence.
- The daily attendance registers are confidential.
- The daily attendance registers will be kept for a period of seven years after the last entry, in the locked filing cabinets, in the secured store room.
Register of Enrolments:
- All students who have enrolled at our school will be entered in the Student Register.
- Each student is given a student ID as an admission number.
- The student’s date of birth, religion, admission date, previous school, date left, destination, and the names of the father, mother or guardian is always recorded in the register.
- This register will be retained for a minimum period of five years before archiving.
Discipline & Behaviour Management Policy:
At Western Grammar School, our vision is the promotion and development of a safe and supportive environment where everyone understands the value of respect, tolerance, trustworthiness and safety.
There are common underlying behaviour expectations that govern all social behaviour. Therefore, it is important to establish a School Code of Behaviour that can be accepted by all school community members as fair, equitable and consistent not only with expectations of students in the classroom and playground but also in the home and wider community. This behaviour code promotes and reinforces the baseline principles and values of society
- To build a school environment based on positive behaviour, mutual respect and cooperation.
- To manage poor behaviour in a positive and professional manner.
- To establish well understood and logical consequences for student behaviour.
Before the rationale and mechanics of Western Grammar School’s behaviour system it is crucial to note that we cannot get lost in the objectivity of this system. Rules and consequences are set out very clearly and serve as a system that the school should follow to manage misbehaviour and to create a positive school culture where teaching and learning thrives. These misbehaviour consequences are drafted with the acknowledgement that human behaviour is influenced by a whole array of variables. The following points are taken into consideration when applying this system:
- Behaviour management is subjective and needs to be treated case by case.
- Every teacher has an insight to their student’s personality and must take many variables into consideration when applying discipline protocols for breaches of school rules.
- Apart from the proposed model, teachers need to have a repertoire of relevant punishments they deem fit.
While this system at the outset seems to be driven only by corrective discipline polices, this is not the case. Teachers are taught and trained to use this system as a ‘tool’ for behaviour management. Supportive and preventative discipline strategies should always be used first and alongside this system.
- Our Code of Behaviour places significant emphasis on the development and recognition of positive behaviours.
- A student’s individual academic report will include details regarding behavioural achievement.
- We will provide a wide range of positive extra-curricula activities for students including sporting, theatrical, leadership, community service and appropriate leisure pursuits.
- Positive student behavioural achievement will be appropriately recognised (Merit Award System).
- An up-to-date database of student behaviour will be maintained.
- All staff will undertake professional development on student behaviour and discipline management.
- Students having trouble achieving positive behavioural outcomes will undertake individualised behaviour management programs focussing upon agreed goals.
- Consequences for ongoing inappropriate behaviour may include counselling, loss of privileges or suspension.
- Parents will be kept informed, and actively encouraged to assist in the development of their children’s behavioural performance.
Classroom Behaviour Discipline Policy:
Ensures that fairness and justice is always adhered to , following any verbal or written warning given by a teacher, then a teacher/student conference will ensue.
During the conference, the teacher will explicitly explain the reason/s for the warning, and the student will be given the opportunity for a right of reply, whereby he/she can explain what has happened and why it has happened.
This conference will be conducted in a professional, non-threatening (so that the student does not feel intimidated in any way) and calm manner. The result/outcome of the teacher-student conference will determine whether the warning is validated and enforced by the teacher, or dismissed by the teacher.
Please click Here to view or download Anti-Bullying Policy.
Please click Here to view or download our Complaint, Grievance and Dispute Resolution Policy.
Please click Here to view or download procedure for Student Welfare & Wellbeing Policy.
Please click Here to view or download Child Protection Policy.
It is important that the students of Western Grammar adhere to the uniform policy of the school. The policy’s aim is to achieve the following basic foundations for a well-disciplined learning environment.
Western Grammar ensures to provide modest and appropriate dress for students which suits the Islamic dress code and values. The student uniform is an identity of the school which clearly promotes an image of the school and shows that the student is loyal and committed to the principles of WGS.
It also allows parents to economically, decently and appropriately clothe their children. It reduces the chances of discrimination and minimises the socio-economic differences between the students belonging to different backgrounds and cultures. It also minimises the competition of styles of clothing which may lead to peer pressure and emotional stress.
The student uniform is one of the major contributors for developing self-discipline and promoting good grooming habits in students. It also allows the community to identify the students of the school.
Western Grammar school’s uniform reflects the distinctive nature of the school and its educational theme related to the school’s colour scheme.
It is Western Grammar’s policy that all students must attend school in the correct uniform. Students must adhere to the uniform policy and must always wear the uniform while attending school, traveling from or to school, during all school activities including functions and excursions unless and until they are specially permitted by the school administration or an exemption is granted in some special cases.
The school uniform will be checked by the teachers and staff. If a student fails to comply with the uniform policy, they will be given warnings and their parent may be contacted upon persistent noncompliance.
Parents are requested to assist the school by avoiding unnecessary complications and wastage of time in terms of constant follow up with students wearing the correct uniform. Parents must discuss with the principal or delegate if they have genuine reasons for not being able to meet the requirements of the uniform policy. Students must be informed and encouraged by parents, teachers and school staff about the requirements of the uniform policy.
Students are required to always present themselves neatly. This will be achieved when they adhere to the following important school rules:
For boys:
- Hair should always be kept neat and tidy (no undercuts, no levels, no hair gel, no spiky hair).
- School ties should always be worn except for sports days.
- Ear piercings and jewellery are not permitted at all for boys.
For girls:
- Hair should be covered with school hijab only. No other hijabs will be permitted. This applies to Year 3 and above girls only.
- Jewellery is not permitted in any form.
- Nail polish is not permitted at all times.
- Henna should be avoided especially on the fingernails.
Constant negligence and failure to comply with the uniform policy can lead to serious consequences such as detentions and suspensions.
All students will be required to conform to our uniform policy and this will be strictly monitored to ensure all students are complying.
Requirements & Guidelines:
Please refer to the school administration for detailed information and prices of uniforms. Uniforms must be in an appropriate and acceptable condition. Students must label each item of their uniform especially outerwear such as caps, bags, jumpers, blazers and ties. Misuse of uniform or improper presentation of school uniform outside school hours is also not allowed. Earrings, rings, necklaces, chains and other jewellery is not permissible for safety and disciplinary reasons. Body piercing is completely unacceptable and forbidden. For any other jewellery item please seek consent from the school administration. Sports shoes are only allowed on sports days and must be designed for sport’s purposes.
Please click Here to view or download School Rules.
Please click Here to view or download procedure for Staff Annual Professional Development and Training (PDT).
Please click Here to view or download procedure for Mandatory Reporting.
Please click Here to view or download procedure for Working with Children Check Verifications
Please click Here to view or download Complaint Handling Procedure for Staff Misconduct or Reportable Conduct.